Singing Guide: Howard Jones

Singing Guide: Howard Jones

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you admire Howard Jones' unique style and want to learn how to sing like him, you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll discuss Howard Jones' vocal technique, his most famous songs, and the Singing Carrots resources you can use to improve your singing skills.

Howard Jones is known for his distinctive voice, which blends new wave, synthpop, and alternative rock. His signature vocal technique is characterized by his use of falsetto and his ability to switch effortlessly between chest voice and head voice. He also employs various vocal effects, particularly reverb and delay, to add depth and texture to his singing.

If you want to sing like Howard Jones, it's crucial to develop your falsetto and learn to transition smoothly between chest voice and head voice. Singing exercises that focus on breath control, vocal agility, and pitch accuracy are also essential. Singing Carrots offers a range of vocal exercises and tools that can help you improve each of these skills. Here are some of the most relevant resources:

  • Start by taking the vocal range test to understand your current range and compare it to Howard Jones. You can find this tool at
  • Our pitch accuracy test can help you measure and improve your pitch accuracy. You can find this tool at
  • Once you have a better understanding of your range and pitch, you can use our pitch training tool to practice vocal exercises that will help you develop your chest voice, head voice, and falsetto. This tool is available at
  • Listen to and study Howard Jones' most popular songs, such as "What Is Love," "Things Can Only Get Better," and "No One Is to Blame." Pay attention to his use of falsetto and head voice, as well as his phrasing and vocal effects.
  • Our song search tool can help you find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference, allowing you to practice singing songs that are similar to those that Howard Jones performs. You can access this tool at
  • Get inspired and learn from our library of over 5000 famous singers' vocal ranges at
  • The Singing Carrots vocal warming-up exercises at are designed to help develop your breath control, increase vocal agility, and improve your pitch accuracy.
  • The singing beginners course at is an in-depth 21-lesson program that covers singing theory and practical tips, which is worth your investment.

To develop your falsetto, practice singing scales starting from middle C and move up to C8. You can use our pitch training tool to practice moving between chest voice and falsetto in scales.

To nail Howard Jones' signature vocal technique, make sure to use proper breathing techniques, keep your throat open, and relax your vocal cords. Avoid vocal tension and constriction and focus on singing with emotion, intuition, and imagination.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Howard Jones requires patience, practice, and dedication. Use the Singing Carrots resources and tips above as a guide to achieve a similar vocal style, but always remember to develop your unique voice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.